Relationship Management
- Create a 360° view of customers, partners
and suppliers across multiple systems
- Identify cross selling/repeat selling/up
selling opportunities
- Generate target prospect lists for tactical
- Optimize catalog distribution
- Use marketing campaign books to manage, resources,
expenses, and responses for multi-channel campaigns
- Assess the potential impact of campaign
alternatives and supply chain alternatives before decisions
are made
- Create multiple customer segmentation
views to target the most profitable customers
- Use Geographical Reporting to analyze
internal and external data sources
- Analyze vendor and supplier relationships
and quality
Virtual Strategy provides a series of reporting and
planning tools aimed at creating pinpoint marketing campaigns. VSI
helps you to determine your most valued and profitable customers,
along with their buying patterns, loyalty, and product affinity.
Based on actual operations data, customers can be identified for
upselling, cross-selling, and product conversion activities to improve
profitability, while minimizing cannibalization.
Use Virtual Strategy to determine market segmentation
and performance based on factors such as age, income, geographical
location, consumer confidence, or past buying patterns. Create programs
aimed at marketing to this select group with forecast financials
based on previous campaign returns and multiple regression analysis.
Cost and results are automatically calculated as campaign
results are automatically loaded into the system and provide an
accurate picture of profitability and performance. The resulting
success rate of a marketing campaign is measured and used for future
campaigns. Profitability is calculated for each campaign and Virtual
Strategy's scenario management capabilities provide forward looking
results on how many campaigns should be run and what the anticipated
results will be. For the first time, finance and marketing can work
on the same model to achieve the common goal of corporate long-term