
  • Consolidate data from across operating companies, divisions and departments and provide enterprise level reporting, analysis and forecasting
  • Use Scenario Management to assess tactical and strategic alternatives, before the final decisions are made and view the ripple effects across the entire enterprise in real time
  • Create 360° view of patients and suppliers
  • Create Annual Rolling Forward Budgets based on actuals
  • Assess the impact of new mergers or acquisitions
  • Optimize patient outcomes and financial performance
  • Deploy tactical scorecards to help operations management implement organizational policy and make discretionary decisions

Virtual Strategy provides its customers with an up-to-date enterprise model that may be used for financial and operations management. It becomes the decision making infrastructure of the organization.

Online reporting and analysis is provided through Virtual Strategy's information portal that presents 'out of the box' reporting and custom Excel compatible scorecard reports modeled after the organizations financial and operations reports

  • Rapid enterprise implementations in 1-2 months
  • Easy to use interface lowers training and operations costs
  • Easy to administer, operate and enhance
  • Excel-based interface allows business analysts to create their own custom analysis and reports for deployment without the need for costly programming





Eastern Bank, a $4B bank deployed Virtual Strategy to provide an easy to use enterprise information portal to manage profitability at the product, customer, account, and branch levels based on the actual operating performance of the bank. VSI provided advanced 'what if' capabilities for retail banking operations in support of tactical and strategic decisions.

Implementation: 1 month

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Consolidated financial Reporting across all operating units in your format with easy to use navigation, decomposition, forecasting and scenario based 'what if' capabilities.



Create a consolidated view of each customer, partner or supplier relationships from multiple disparate systems including product, sales, transaction, marketing and other systems with dynamically generated recommendations for cross selling or relationship management


Virtual Strategy unique technology takes on the form of your enterprise as it consolidates data from across the organization. The patent pending wizard based technology can create models of even the largest organizations in days.